Friday, April 15, 2011

FBFF: A Birthday Reflection

Too often in our lives we get caught up in ourselves and forget how we got to where we are and who got us there.  While these things often get taken for granted, it's good to stop and give thanks once in a while.

In lieu of FBFF's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY, Katy has come up with questions that allow all of us to stop, reflect and give credit where credit is due.

1.  When it comes to be personally – I owe a lot of who I am to: My parents for installing values and morals and common knowledge into me as I grew and to my husband for continually making me the happiest I have ever been and for making me whole. (Disclaimer: Sorry to anyone who may have gagged reading this response.)

2. When it comes to be professionally – I owe a lot of who I am to: All the people that have ever doubted me.  Thanks for being the thorn in my ass that drives my success everyday.

3. When it comes to the art of blogging, I’m grateful to these people for helping me through some rough spots: Since I'm a newer blogger I don't think I've had any rough spots in my blogging life per say but throughout the past 9 months I have had some personal obstacles and I have to give shoutouts to a few of my bloggersistas for being so awesome and keeping me smiling during those roadblocks.

Ty from Gorgeous in Grey
Taliah from Fashion Was Here
Melody from One Day in April

These ladies are all amazing! Check out their blogs, comment if you like.  You won't be disapointed.

4. One blogging challenge I’m grateful happened because it made me stronger was… Hmmmmmm....I'll come back to this one!

5. To my readers, I’d like to say… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I am continously amazed people are actually reading my blog.  I cannot say it enough, THANK YOU!!


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